Internal Assessment

An Eight-Step Guide

Step Four: Raw Data Table, Experiment, and Uncertainties

By the end of this step you will have:

✔︎  Created your raw data table with correct headings

✔︎  Carried out your experiment

✔︎  Collected your data and displayed it in your raw data table

✔︎  Written a short paragraph justifying your raw data table uncertainties

Creating your raw data table

Carrying out your experiment and collecting your raw data

Explaining and justifying your raw data uncertainties


  Create your raw data table

➜  Carry out your experiment and collect your raw data

➜  Explain and justify your raw data uncertainties



✔︎  I created my raw data table

✔︎  My raw data table headings include the name of and letter symbol for my variables

✔︎  The letter symbols for my variables are in italics

✔︎  My raw data table headings include units

✔︎  My raw data table headings include uncertainties

✔︎  My independent variable uncertainty is given to the same number of decimal places as my independent variable values

✔︎  My raw data table has space for at least three trials

✔︎  I carried out my experiment and filmed all my trials (if applicable)

✔︎  I recorded my data in my raw data table

✔︎  I saved my completed raw data table online

✔︎  My dependent variable uncertainty is given to the same number of decimal places as my dependent variable values

✔︎  I explained and justified my raw data table uncertainties, referring to my data collection method

✔︎  In my explanation above, I mentioned one or more of the conventions used when determining uncertainties

Questions to ask your teacher

  Are the raw data table uncertainties clearly explained and justified?

✤  Are the raw data table headings fully correct?

 Are the independent and dependent variable values given to the correct number of decimal places? (Considering the number of decimal places in the uncertainty values)

Additional resources

Example IA (PDF)

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